You Have Options in Chiropractic Treatment in Wausau
Spinal Decompression
By now, you’ve likely heard about spinal decompession in Wausau. It’s an effective technique that we’ve been offering for many years. This gentle, non-surgical technique specifically uses spinal decompression and traction to carefully manipulate the spinal segments in need of care. The non-force technique is very comfortable to the patient. It was originally designed to care for patients with herniated discs in the neck and lower back. Spinal decompression is also used to treat various types of headaches and migraines, facet joint syndrome, and spinal stenosis.
Cold Laser Therapy
If you’ve been looking for cold laser therapy in Wausau, you’re at the right place. This popular treatment, also known as Low Level Laser Therapy, utilizes wavelengths of light to interact with tissue and help accelerate the healing process. Cold laser therapy is very safe and is five to ten times more effective than ultrasound. It heals damaged tissue by a process called photobiostimulation and has been used by professional sports teams with great results.
Cold laser therapy is used to treat acute or chronic conditions to help eliminate pain, swelling, reduce spasms and improve functionality. We use it to treat many conditions including fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, as well as neck pain and headaches.
Dry Needling
Are you looking for dry needling in Wausau? We offer this pain-free method of relief for both acute and chronic pain. During dry needling, thin, monofilament needles are inserted into a muscle trigger point to help the muscle relax, increase blood flow, and reduce pain. These needles are “dry” meaning that no liquid is injected into your body. They stay in your muscle for a short time. Some patients report immediate relief afterwards. The chiropractor will determine if a trigger point is causing your problems and then discuss if dry needling is right for you.
Although there are some similarities, this treatment is not acupuncture and it can only be done by trained clinicians like Dr. Sippl.
Dr. Sippl used Dry Needling on my neck due to spasms and inflammation. After two visits my neck was much better, and I had no more neck issues. I highly recommend this technique to anyone suffering from neck/shoulder pain.
-Marge R.
Impulse Therapy
This is a low-force adjusting instrument used to mobilize spinal and extremity joints, as well as soft tissues adhesions, including trigger points. This is the ideal technique for arthritic & degenerative joints. Many patients enjoy having their neck treated with this instrument. It is also the perfect method for treating infants, and children.
Functional Medicine
Are you looking for functional medicine in Wausau? Functional medicine focuses on the whole person—not just an isolated set of symptoms—to identify the root cause of disease.
We use a variety of lab testing procedures to help identify what may be causing your current health issues. The appropriate lab tests can help identify what dietary, nutritional, and lifestyle changes are necessary for improved functionality.
Applied Kinesiology
Are you looking for applied kinesiology in Wausau? Applied kinesiology, or muscle testing, is another method of examining how your body functions. It’s a way to evaluate structural, chemical, and mental areas of health by using manual muscle testing along with conventional methods. When properly applied, the outcome of an applied kinesiology diagnosis will determine the best form of therapy for you. Our trained doctor works to correct muscle weakness by considering the nervous system, lymphatic system, vascular system, and nutrition. It’s a holistic approach focused on getting to the root cause of your health problem.